How we work
We support organizations in Norway and abroad that promote dialogue in various ways. Our partners are identified through our own research and we do not accept unsolicited applications for funding.
Forlaget Flux
Flux Forlag AS This small publishing house focuses on non-fiction litterature. Their aim is to promote litterature that broadens peoples perspectives, challenges status-quo and invite to dialogue.
Nobels Fredssenter
The Climate House is the first exhibition space in the Nordic Countries with a climate change theme. Through exhibitions and events we aim to engage the audience to reflect and act for a more sustainable future.
The Climate house opened in June 2020 and is a part of the Natural history museum in Oslo.
Forlaget Flux
Flux Forlag AS This small publishing house focuses on non-fiction litterature. Their aim is to promote litterature that broadens peoples perspectives, challenges status-quo and invite to dialogue.
Den Norske Turistforening
Den Norske Turistforening (DNT)
Today, DNT is Norway's largest outdoor life organization, with more than 300,000 members in 56 local member organisations across the country. DNT aims to promote straightforward, active, versatile and environmentally-friendly outdoor activities and to preserve the outdoors and the cultural landscape.
Dialog i Praksis
Dialog i Praksis is an organization with a vision to promote understanding, new ideas and respectful collaboration through dialogue.

Academy of Professional Dialogue
The Academy of Professional Dialogue is an international non-profit charity, developing Professional Dialogue in service of the wellbeing of society (Here represented by Peter Garrett, one of the founders)